Imprint: The Clos of the red stones Place called Rougeac 43580 saint Privat d'Allier + 33 (0) 4 71 00 64 78 Email:
Social form: Sole proprietorship The RCS registration No.: 510 981137 00019 VAT: FR 43510981137 Site hosting : Proxad (free) Production manager: Thierry Grumelart Intellectual property : Any total or partial reproduction of this website by any person whatsoever, without the express permission of the Red Le Clos Des stone companies, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L. 335 - 2 and following of the Code of intellectual property.
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Clos red Derow undertakes to scrupulously respect the trust you placed him on the use of personal information that you may need to submit as part of your navigation on its website. Accordance with article 27 of Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, relative to information technology the files and freedoms, you have a right of access, rectification, deletion on data about you to the Credit Mutuel entity with which you are in relationship, and in the conditions laid down by article 34 of the Act (